Pastoral Support
Our Pastoral System plays an integral role in allowing our pupils to succeed academically and develop as tolerant, respectful and courteous citizens.
We recognise that our pupils and their families face a wide range of barriers. At TFS, we will work with pupils, families, outside agencies and the wider community in order to overcome such issues.
If you have any concerns regarding your son or daughter’s behaviour or well-being, please contact your child's Pastoral Team.
Our Vision for Excellent Pastoral Care at the Turner Free School:
Every child is known by the Pastoral Team
Pupils feel happy and safe
Pupils feel confident in speaking to someone if they are concerned or upset
Pupils feel respected and show respect to others
All pupils are supported to achieve the best they possibly can in whatever they do
Pupils’ talents are recognised and celebrated
Parents feel confident in and supported by the Pastoral Team
Communication with parents/outside agencies is excellent
Communication with other staff is effective and allows pupils to feel supported holistically
Issues of poor behaviour are dealt with consistently and effectively
The pastoral teams can be contacted using the emails below:
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9