Meet The Team
If you have any questions or wish to contact us - please do not hesitate to contact us via email:
Mrs Gardiner
Senior Director of SEND & Inclusion
Mrs Tanner
Director of Nurture
Mrs Reed
Associate SENDCo
Miss Campbell
Social, Emotional & Mental Health Lead and Learning Support Mentor
Miss Andrews
Communication and Interaction Lead and Learning Support Mentor
Miss Green
Cognition & Learning Lead and Learning Support Mentor
Mrs Wysner
Modifer for Visual Impairment
Mrs Gerrard
SEND Administrator
Miss McLoughlin
Learning Support Mentor
Miss Mulligan
Learning Support Mentor
Miss Ochoa
Learning Support Mentor
Mrs Tamang
Learning Support Mentor
Miss Boorman
Learning Support Mentor
Mrs Tyrell-Lane
Learning Support Mentor
Miss Walters
Learning Support Mentor
Mrs Annett-Prior
Learning Support Mentor