Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
All schools in the Turner Schools Family are committed to ensuring that our schools are places where children thrive and knowledge matters.
Our Pupil Premium practice is informed by what the Education Endowment Foundation tells us is impactful in closing the attainment gap.
AT TFS we are focusing our provision on improving:
Attendance: getting our pupils to school and ensuring that we do everything we can to nourish them so they are ready to learn. In practice this means the Trust provides breakfast club and a free breakfast to any pupil that would like or need it.
Reading: evidence shows that if a pupil can read at their chronological age, the attainment gap is reduced. Pupils engage in reading across the curriculum. We offer specialist reading interventions to ensure pupils make rapid progress towards reaching their chronological age .
Academic Progress: we have invested in highly experienced teachers and have created flexibility within the timetable to ensure that any necessary intervention is delivered by expert, qualified teachers.