
Personal Development Vision

All pupils at Turner Free School will grow to become aspirational, respectful and tolerant people who contribute to their wider community.

At Turner Free School we believe that every pupil can achieve greatness. We are a school that strives to help all pupils become the best possible version of themselves. We want our pupils to become empowered, be visionary and be involved. This means they need to think about their personal and intellectual enrichment, their future career aspirations, and how they can engage with others, their school and society.

Personal Development is delivered through a weekly assembly programme, weekly coaching sessions, Votes for Schools, the Turner 25 programme, trips, visits, workshops and talks from outside speakers, clubs and extracurricular activities, as well as the PSHE and subject curriculums. Careers education is taught through a programme evaluated against the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

Personal Development at TFS allows for pupils to engage in meaningful experiences. These are opportunities for pupils to learn from outside agencies and speakers through trips, visits, workshops and talks. Examples include the Year 7 visit to Cheriton Baptist Church for a workshop on ‘community’, the Year 8 PSHE performance and session by an international singer, the Year 9 leadership workshops with the Royal Navy and the year 10 disability awareness assemblies by outside speakers.