Our Curriculum

At TFS, we are committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum, with a core focus on ensuring excellent provision in EBacc subjects whilst providing a rich creative and vocational provision to help all pupils achieve. This will empower all of our pupils to gain success in any field and will play an instrumental role in closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils.

We know that a pupil’s ability to read will have a significant impact on how rapidly they are able to gain knowledge and make progress across the curriculum so we prioritise reading in all subjects and at all levels. In addition, our rigorous intervention programmes ensure that every pupil is reading at or above their chronological age as soon as possible after they join TFS. 


At TFS, our curriculum will:

Click on the links below to discover our full curriculum plan in each of our subjects.

Click on our subject overviews below to read more about what your child will study when they join us. 

** Subject overviews are currently being updated**